Advanced databases – LibreOffice Base, handbook
1.1 Development and use of databases
Knowing the different types of database models: hierarchical, relational, object-oriented
Knowing the stages of the life cycle of a database: logical design, database creation, data entry, data maintenance, finding data
Knowing the term SQL (structured query language) and understanding its main use to create, search, update and delete data from relational databases
2.1 Fields/Columns
Create, modify, delete search in the field/column
Create, modify, delete a mask to enter data in the field/column
Set the required input data values for field/column: it is necessary, it is not necessary
2.2 Relations and joinings
Create, modify, delete links between tables: one-to-one, one-to-many
Create, modify relations between tables: many-to-many using the joining tables
Apply referential integrity between tables, automatic updates of related fields, automatic deletion of related records
Change, reverse the internal, external joining
Create, modify IS NULL joining (SUBSTRACT JOIN)
Apply joining of the tables with themselves
3.1 Types of queries
Create, run a query to update the data in the table
Create, run a query to add records to a table
Create, run a query to delete records in the table
Create, run a query to save selected data as a new table
Create, run a crosstab query
Create, run a query to show duplicated records in the table
Create, run a query to show unmatched records in related tables
3.2 Refining query
Create, modify, run a parameter query with one, two variables
Use wildcards in the query
Show highest, lowest range of values in a query
Create and name a field that performs arithmetic operations
Group information in a query using functions: sum, count, average, max, min
4.1 Controls
Create, modify, delete bound controls: text box, combo box, list box, check box, radio button.
Apply, remove bound control properties such as: list limitations, different values
Create, modify, delete unbound controls containing arithmetic, logical expressions
Change the sequential order of controls on a form
Create, delete linked below form
5.1 Controls
Establish arithmetic calculation controls in a report: percentage, currency, determine the number of decimal places
Apply the subtotal for the group, for all
Merge fields in the report
5.2 Display
Insert, delete fields in a group, page, report headers and footers
Sort, group records in a report by field or fields
Set a page layout to the group report
Create, delete linked below reports
6.1 Linkage and import
Link external data to a database: spreadsheets, text (. txt,. csv), existing database
Import spreadsheets, text, (. txt,. csv), XML, existing database to database
6.2 Automation
Create a simple macro like: close an object and open another one, open and maximize an object, open and minimize an object, print and close an object
Asign/attach a macro command button on the toolbar, object, control