New teaching aids approved for use in elementary schools – third year in a row – May 2015 – project of computer e-education with open access via the Internet launched six years ago within which the project web page was set up. This web page will enable learning and consolidation of basic computer skills and overall computer knowledge. Access to the published material is free and open. The goal is to use the project to actively promote the human right to free access to information and education, to raise public awareness considering the very notion of literacy, which today without question involves digital literacy, and to promote digital literacy.

Over the last two years the Education and Teacher Training Agency of the Republic of Croatia has approved certain materials for use as official teaching aids, within the elementary school subjects Computer Science and Information Technology (5th to 8th grade) and Technical Education (5th to 8th grade). (Press release:

We have continued to upgrade the project with handbooks relating to advanced use of office programs and translation to foreign languages and have also, with volunteer help, applied two new online publications for approval by the Agency, which were approved for the elementary school subject Computer
Science and Information Technology. (List of approved teaching aids for school year 2014/2015: )

Twenty people took part in making this part of the project happen. We would like to use this opportunity to thank all volunteers for their contribution in finalizing this part of the project as well as wish all pupils and students (as well as everyone interested) to successfully acquire knowledge of digital literacy in order to become active members of modern IT society.

Materials approved by the Agency this year will also remain freely and permanently available to all pupils and students in the Republic of Croatia and abroad as online publications available in open access for viewing, printing and distribution.

The two newly approved teaching aids:

_________________________________ – project of computer e-education with open access – Priručnik za digitalnu pismenost – teaching aid for Information Technology and Computer Science, 8th grade– expert review of these handbooks included volunteer work by EdukaCentar, Institution for Education, in Split and Zagreb open source handbooks for computer programs:

Napredna obrada teksta – LibreOffice Writer: Link

Napredne proračunske tablice – LibreOffice Calc: Link

Napredna izrada prezentacija – LibreOffice Impress: Link

handbooks for commercial computer programs:

Napredna obrada teksta – Microsoft Word 2010: Link

Napredne proračunske tablice – Microsoft Excel 2010: Link

Napredne baze podataka – Microsoft Access 2010: Link

Napredna izrada prezentacija – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010: Link

_________________________________ – project of computer e-education with open access – Digital Literacy Handbook – aims at education in the English language in the Republic of Croatia for children of diplomats, children of businesspeople from abroad and children of returnees.

Basic Concepts of Information and Communication Techology, notes: Link

Using Computer and Managing Files, handbook: Link

Word processing – Libre Office 3.6 Writer, handbook: Link

Spreadsheets – Libre Office 3.6 Calc, handbook: Link

Working with Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2010, notes: Link

Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2010, handbook: Link

Databases – LibreOffice Base, handbook: Link

Using databases – Microsoft Access 2010, handbook: Link


People who took part in this part of the project:

authors: Mariza Maini, Melani Max, Ivan Ljubičić, Igor Filipović, Gorana Čelebić, Mario Dujlo, Dario Ilija Rendulić

translation and/or proofreading: Dino Dumančić, Petra Matjašec, Katarina Posilović, Una Šijan, Tanja Karas, Ana Džaja, Maja Vidan, Kristina Vlaović

cover: Silvija Bunić

expert review:

Frane Šesnić, mag. ing. el., EdukaCentar, Institution for Education, Croatia

Surojit Chakraborty

Victor Kuo

project managers: Sanja Kolarić, Dario Ilija Rendulić


Translation: Petra Matjašec

United Nations Volunteers Online Volunteering service.

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