Google Drive – creating, sharing and publishing documents



By choosing the  Create button from the left side of the window, a menu containing the list of all the documents that can be opened appears. By pressing the Upload button, you   can upload  Files or Folders.


Picture 11 – Create menu

In Create menu, you need to choose Document. A new Untitled document tab appears. To return to Google Drive main page you should press the  Back to Google Drive icon which appears if the mouse pointer is placed next to the name of the document.


Picture 12 – Untitled document tab


By pressing the left mouse button on the Untitled document name, a Rename document window appears – here you can edit the name of your document. You confirm the action by pressing the OK button.

Picture 13 – Rename document window

By pressing the Star icon next to the document’s name, you insert a star and this way you can emphasize its importance.

When you first save a document, by pressing the  Move to icon, a Move to window appears – here, by left-clicking on it – you choose the destination folder for the new document. The request to move the selected document to the chosen map is then confirmed by pressing the Move button.

Picture 14 – Move to window

Picture 15 – New folder window

When you first save a document, by pressing a  Move to icon, a quick menu appears – here you can see where the document is stored at that point.

If you would like to move the document somewhere else, you need to press the Organize button. A Move to window appears, and here you can determine where you want your document to be saved. By pressing the Create new folder command, a New folder window appears – here you  type in the name of the new folder. The folder will be visible on the homepage of Google Drive. The request to create a new folder is confirmed by pressing the Create button.

3.3     MENU BAR

Below the document’s name – there’s a menu bar containing:  File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table and Help.

Picture 17 – Menu bar

Next to the menu bar, you can see the information on where the document is currently being stored, or when it was last edited.

Using the File menu, you can:

  • By choosing Share, you open the Sharing settings window
  • open a New or an existing document Open,
  • Rename or Make a copy of an existing document
  • See revision history
  • set the Language
  • Download as Microsoft Word (.docx), OpenDocument Format (.odt), PDF Document (.pdf), Plain Text (.txt) etc.
  • share your documents by choosing – Publish on the web, Email collaborators or Email as attachment
  •  work with Page setup or Print files.

Picture 18 – File menu

By using the Edit menu, you can:

  • Undo or Redo the previous action
  • Cut, Copy or Paste a part of the text; save this part of text to Web clipboard – by choosing this command, all parts of text that have been saved to Web clipboard are shown and you can Paste them to the existing or some other document.
  • Select all or Find and replace a part of the text.

Picture 19 – Edit menu


Using the View menu, you can:

  • show the Print layout,
  • Show ruler – show or remove the horizontal ruler,
  • Show equation toolbar – a bar where you can insert equation opens,
  • Show spelling suggestions,
  • by choosing Compact controls – you can remove or show the menu bar. Compact controls can also be removed by pressing the   Hide the menus button or they can be shown by pressing the Show the menus button
  • show the document in Full screen view – you can exit the full screen view by pressing the Esc key.

Picture 20 – View menu

By using the Insert menu, you can insert Image, Link, Equation, Drawing, Table, Comment, Footnote, Special characters, Horizontal line, Page number, Page count, Page break, Header, Footer, Bookmark or Table of contents.

Picture 21 – Insert menu

Using the Format menu, you can:

  • format your text in different ways using: Bold, Italic,  Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript or  Subscript
  • choose from the range of Paragraph styles – a paragraph with Increase indent, Decrease indent, or choose from recommended styles
  • Align the text according to your wishes –  Align Left,  Center,  Align Right or  Justify
  • choose the right Line spacing – the space between two lines of text/rows
  • Clear formatting

Picture 22 – Format menu

Using the Tools menu, you can:

  • by using Research and Define commands, you open a quick Web search window to look up a certain term – when inserting

e.g. a picture using Drag and Drop method – a Footnote appears, displaying the web address from where the picture was downloaded

It is possible to look up a term in Everything, in Images, in Scholar, in Quotes, in Dictionary or in Personal documents.

Picture 23 – Research menu options

  • by using the Word count command you get the insight into the number of words contained in the document
  • by using the Translate document command – you can translate the document into a different language – a window appears where you choose the desired language
  • Script manager or Script editor – programme and edit functions
  • set Preferences – e.g. automatic replacements ( e.g. (c) becomes ©)

Picture 24 – Tools menu

By using the Table menu, you can: Insert table, edit/shape the table using – Insert row above, Insert row below, Insert column left, Insert column right, Delete row, Delete column, Delete table; and also set the Table properties.

Picture 25 – Table menu

By using the Help menu, you can: find help with your documents Docs help, access the User Forums or Google+ Community, Report an issue and also see the list of Keyboard shortcuts.

Picture 26 – Help menu

3.4     TOOLBAR

Below the menu bar there is a toolbar, where you can find basic text editing tools.

Picture 27 – Toolbar

Print – when you click on this icon, the Print frame opens – here you set the margins, the number of copies you want printed, and you choose the printer that will be used etc.

Undo – to undo the previous action

Redo – to repeat the previous action

Paint format – to apply to the text the exact same formatting you used in another text

Styles – by clicking on the arrow next to the name, a quick menu offering standard styles appears

Font – by clicking on the arrow next to the name, a quick menu offering standard fonts appears

Font size – by clicking on the arrow next to the name, a quick menu offering standard font sizes appears

More – by clicking on the arrow next to the name, a quick menu offering additional options (text alignment, line spacing, indents etc.) appears

Bold – to display the text in bold

Italic – to display the text in italics

Underline – to underline the text

Text colour – by clicking on the arrow, a quick menu offering a range of standardized colours appears – to change the colour of the Text or Highlight the background.

Insert link – to insert a link to a document or a web page

Insert comment – to insert comments

Align –  to align the text

– to insert the list with ordinal Numbers or the list with Bullets



When you press the Share button  – a Sharing settings window opens, and by using it, you can:

  • copy the Link to share – visible only to those who  have access to the link (via some of the available services – Gmail, Google+, Facebook, Twitter)
  • define Who has access to the document – by pressing the Change… button, a window  appears – here you can set the Visibility of the document as:
    • Public on the web,
    • Anyone with the link or
    • Private.

If other users have access to the document, by pressing the Can view command, you can change the ways in which the document can be accessed in Can edit or Can comment.

  • by typing in e-mail addresses in Invite people field, you decide on who has the access to the file and you also decide on the type of access they have. You can then notify the users who have been granted access to the document by choosing Notify people via email and sending them a message

You confirm the command by pressing the Save and Share  button – if any changes have been made, or by pressing the Done button, if there were no changes.

Picture 28 – Sharing settings

After the document has been shared and saved, right next to the name of the document appears a Shared notice.


If you position your mouse pointer on a certain part of the text, or you select a certain part of the text and you press the Comments button Notifications and Comment menus open.

By choosing the Comment command, a small window opens where you can type in the desired comment. You confirm the comment by pressing the  Comment button. Sideways in the window you can see data related to the comment, while the background of the text (to which the comment refers to) is yellow. If you press the  Comments button now, you will see the list and the data on all the comments. You can Reply to the comment or mark it with Resolve. If you want to reactivate the Resolved comment, you have to press the Re-open command.

Picture 29 – Space for comments

The Comment command can also be activated if you position the mouse pointer next to a word or a row, or you select a word or a row that you want to comment on and press the right mouse button. A quick menu opens – here you need to select the Comment command. Using quick menu and its options, you can edit your text fast – Cut, Copy or Paste; or insert Comment, Link or Clear formatting.

Picture 30 – Quick menu

By pressing the Comments button and by selecting the Notifications command, you can set the type of notifications that are related to the open document and that will be sent through e-mail:

  • All – all new comments will be received by e-mail
  • Replies to you – notifications will be sent if someone replies to your comment or
  • None – notifications will not be sent.


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