Module 9: Basic image processing and the use of the GIMP program – quiz 2
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Expert review: Neels Kulshrestha
Module 9: Basic image processing and the use of the GIMP program – quiz 2 > Link
Via these quizzes, you can repeat or learn:
– the basic terms and tools which are used while processing images:
– image size, resolution, background color; foreground color
– color model and the common color models: RGB, HSB, CMYK, grayscale
– color palette, color depth
– hue, saturation, color balance
– transparency, contrast, brightness
– layer and setting layer properties: name, hide, opacity, show, lock
– using GIMP, the specialized program for image processing:
– open, close application for image processing; open, close image files
– create a new image file, save an image in a folder on the computer, save an image under a different name
– paint a part of the image using the tool paintbrush, select color, shape, size of the paintbrush
– fill the part of an image with color using the tool paint bucket
– delete a part of an image using the tool eraser, select shape and size of the eraser
– measurement units
– resize an image in pixels, measurement units
– crop an image, mirror an image
– add, edit, delete text; copy and move text; align text; change text formatting; size and font type, font color;
– apply artistic effects; remove redness of the eyes (red eye removal)
– create, copy, delete a layer
– commands for three-dimensional drawing
– create an animated GIF from layers
– save an image as a different file type: jpeg, png, gif, tiff
– change the printing properties (orientation: portrait, landscape; paper size) and print the image
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Translation: Una Šijan