Additional teaching resources approved for use in primary schools


Education and Teacher Training Agency has approved all publications we submitted for their consideration this year (handbooks that cover basic digital literacy in Linux Lite and LibreOffice), and we managed to repeat our last-year success with approved additional teaching resources!

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The implementation of – project of computer e-education with open access has started via Internet 4 years ago. The website was launched within the project, designed to enable the users to learn or revise the basic computer skills and knowledge. The access to the published material is free and open, i.e. there is no need to open an account or to provide one’s e-mail address in order to use the materials. The project was realized through volunteering and, therefore, financed by the volunteers themselves.

The objective of the project is, first of all, to provide a free computer education for everyone by means of modern knowledge transfer technologies, relating to fact that computer skills have become a fundamental necessity for modern businesses. Through the project we aim to actively promote human rights to free access to information and education, to raise public awareness of the extension of the concept of literacy, which today includes the concept of digital literacy and to promote digital literacy.

The materials have been localized into Slovenian and Serbian language and script, and reviewed with the help of volunteers who responded to invitation to cooperation. In the implementation of this part of the project 31 people were involved, coming from non-profit, private and public sector institutions from Croatia, Serbia and Slovenian.  With the help of these volunteers and institutions, certain materials project we submitted  in September 2012 to Education and Teacher Training Agency in Croatia in order to be approved as additional teaching resources, designed as  online publications for the school subject Computer science (taught from 5th to 8th grade) and Technical culture (also from the 5th to 8th grades).

The Agency has approved the use of materials as official additional teaching resources in all the primary schools in Croatia for the school subjects Technical culture and Computer science (link:

Hereby, we would like to thank all the people and institutions for their contribution to the realization of this part of the project and to wish all students (and other interested users) a successful acquiring of digital literacy in order to be active members of the modern information society.

A total of five additional teaching resources have been approved:

Additional teaching resource for Computer science from 5th to  8th grade in Croatian language: – projekt računalne e-edukacije sa slobodnim pristupom – Priručnik za digitalnu pismenost 

– expert review of the handbooks for all the 7 modules has been done by  Infokatedra, Zagreb (all the other approved handooks have been derived from these ones).

Osnovni pojmovi informacijske tehnologije
Korištenje računala i upravljanje datotekama

Obrada teksta – Microsoft Word 2010

Proračunske tablice – Microsoft Excel 2010

Baze podataka – Microsoft Access 2010

Prezentacije – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
Pregledavanje web-a i komunikacija

Additional teaching resource for Technical culture from 5th to  8th grade in Croatian language: – projekt računalne e-edukacije sa slobodnim pristupom – Priručnik za digitalnu pismenost – Informatički priručnik za tehničku kulturu

Additional teaching resource for Technical culture from 5th to  8th grade in Serbian language: – projekat računarske e-edukacije sa slobodnim pristupom – Priručnik za digitalnu pismenost Informatički priručnik za tehničku kulturu

Additional teaching resource for Computer science from 5th to  8th grade in Serbian language: – projekat računarske e-edukacije sa slobodnim pristupom – Priručnik za digitalnu pismenost

Korišćenje računara i upravljanje datotekama, priručnik
Obrada teksta – Microsoft Word 2010, priručnik
Proračunske tabele – Microsoft Excel 2010, priručnik
Proračunske tabele – Microsoft Excel 2010, skripta
Prezentacije – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, priručnik
Prezentacije – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, skripta
Pregledavanje interneta i komunikacija, priručnik
Pregledavanje interneta i komunikacija, skripta

Additional teaching resource for Computer science from 5th to  8th grade in Slovenian language: – načrtovanje računalniškega e-izobraževanja s prostim dostopom – Priročnik za digitalne pismenosti

Osnovni pojmi informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, priročnik
Predstavitve – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, priročnik
Informacije in komunikacije, priročnik


The participants of this project activity:

– authors: Gorana Celebic, Mario Dujlo and Dario Ilija Rendulic

– proof-readig: Ema Cisic, Tamara Vibovec, Antea Sersic, Slavica Juric, Silvana Jovic

– localisation: Elfrida Berger, Jasmina Bosancic, Zoran Gajdar, Zorica Zazic, Marija Savic

– cover (and graphich design of some of the handbooks): Silvija Bunic

– expert review:

Mario Vukic, MScEE, MCP, MCSA, MCTS, MCT /ISO 9001:2000 Auditor; Infokatedra, centar za obrazovanje, Zagreb, Croatia

– Matjaz Drev, MSc, information science commissioner, Informacijski Pooblaščenec, Slovenia

– Mladen Dumitraskovic, BSc, OD “StudioNeksT“, Bor, Serbia

– Snežana Markovic, Vladan Mladenovic, Slavoljub Mitic, Teame-pismen, Serbia

–  Alenka Hren, PhD, Slovenia

– Tatjana Kovac, PhD, vice-dean, Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede, Celje, Slovenia

– Dragana Milekic, Škola racunara NIMIKO, Zrenjanin, Serbia

– Vladimir Milodanovic, computer science teacher; Otvoreni univerzitet Subotica d.o.o., Subotica, Serbia

– Dragan Milovanovic, MSc, ECDL certified examiner (CS 0471J), Expert d.o.o., Pozarevac, Serbia

– Diana Pavlovic, computer science and mathematics teacher, Europska poslovna skola “Milutin Milankovic”, Beograd, Serbia

–  Ana Savic, PhD, Visoka škola elektrotehnike i računarstva, Beograd, Serbia

– Krešimir Sikulin, MCSc, Hrvatska

– Andrej Tomsic, MSc, vice information science commissioner Informacijski Pooblaščenec, Republika Slovenija

– Durdina Topolovacki-Baroj, Serbia

 – project managers: Sanja Kolaric, Dario Ilija Rendulic

We are also preparing handbooks for the other modules, as well as handbooks that cover basic digital literacy in free programs, and our goal is to submit them this year for approval to the Education and Teacher Training Agency. It is possible to contribute by translating the education materials into other languages. If You are interested in cooperation or need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us  on

All the materials of project are published under the copyright law, which allows further distribution and copying, including for  the  purposes  of  organized  education,  whether  in  public  or  private  educational organizations, but only for non-commercial purposes (that is, free of charge to end users for use of the publication) and for derivative works it is necessary to ask. Materials approved by Education and Teacher Training Agency will also remain free and permanently available to all the interested students in Croatia and abroad, as online publications which can be freely viewed, printed and distributed.

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Translation: Ana Kedves

This news is published by the following media, primary and secondary schools:

BUG ONLINE – portal za škole – vaš obiteljski info kutak

Večernji list CITY, 13. lipnja 2013

Gimnazija Antuna Gustava Matoša, Zabok

ll. gimnazija, Zagreb

Osnovna škola Domovinske zahvalnosti, Knin

Osnovna škola Petra Kanavelića, Korčula

Poslovni dnevnik

Osnovna škola Kamešnica, Otok

Osnovna škola Tone Peruška, Pula


DigIT | Udruga za informatiku – tehnologija, video igre, automobili

Osnovna škola Cestica

Osnovna škola Stoja, Pula

Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića, Opatija

Osnovna škola Stobreč

Osnovna škola Ljudevit Gaj, Mihovljan

Osnovna škola Đure Deželića, Ivanić Grad

VI. osnovna škola, Varaždin

Osnovna škola Vodnjan

Osnovna škola Antuna Kanižlića, Požega

Osnovna škola Borovje, Zagreb

Osnovna škola Dr.Branimira Markovića, Ravna Gora

Gimnazija Andrije Mohorovičića, Rijeka

United Nations Volunteers Online Volunteering service.

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