e-Citizen program

The e-Citizen program is dedicated to enabling citizens to work with a computer for personal use. It includes activities and actions that we encounter daily in the modern society, such as receiving and sending e-mails, communicating via the Internet with governmental and county offices, getting the information or the use of various information services, for the purposes of both personal and business correspondence.

In cooperation with HIZ (Croatian Information Technology Association – the exclusive national ECDL license holderwho carries out the ECDL programs together with the authorized test centers) and Croatian Linux Users Group (HULK), we organised e-Citizen Club workshops. They are divided into three blocks and take place on Saturdays in an IT-equipped classroom, provided by EdukaCentar. (More)

To learn more about the e-Citizen program follow this link: http://www.ecdl.org/programmes/index.jsp?p=2227&n=114.

e-Citizen program consists of three parts (three blocks) and handbooks that cover included topics are published on the links below.

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Materials on basic computer e-education
published on ITdesk.info

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Handbooks for the e-Citizen program:

Block 1: Foundation Skills – Link

This block gives users the necessary skills and knowledge for basic computer and Internet use:

– knowledge about computer hardware and software,

– handling files and folders and knowing how to work with the icons and windows on a computer screen,

– ability to create a simple document,

– ability to browse the Internet and use e-mail.

Block 2: Information Search > Link

This block makes users aware of the nature and extent of information available on the Internet in the areas of news, government, consumer, travel, education/training, employment, health, interest groups and business:

– ability to search for information from a wide range of Internet sources using browsing and keyword search techniques and being able to retain the information in a useful format.

– understanding some of the issues and risks associated with using the Internet, such as reliability of information, secure access, viruses, unsolicited e-mail, security of personal data
and parental control of children’ Internet access,

– ability to take some precautionary measures.

Block 3: e-Participation > Link

Building on already acquired computer and search skills, this block completes the skills set necessary for the user to become an e-Citizen:

– introduction to the world of online resources and services in the areas of news, government, consumer, travel, education/training, employment, health, interest groups and business.

– ability to confidently carry out every day tasks such as buying a CD or book, paying a bill, banking online or making a holiday reservation.

– ability to access a variety of information services and carry out tasks such as filling in a tax return, finding out about new legislation, submitting a job application, enrolling for a course, making a doctor’s appointment or taking part in an online discussion forum.

– understand some of the issues and risks associated with using the Internet, such as security risks in credit card transactions, unscrupulous online service providers and the importance of data checking in online forms, and being able to take some precautionary measures.

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Proofreading: Ana Kedves

ISBN: 978-953-7908-19-5

United Nations Volunteers Online Volunteering service.

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