in media


The site made to the shortlist for this year’s award DISKOBOLOS – international awards for best application of ICT.

The site is one of the top ten websites in the category of science, education, culture VIDI Web Top 100 for the year 2010.


TV shows:

E-Hrvatska, broadcasted on Croatian national television (HRT2) on 23rd December,.2009.

Obavezan smjer, broadcasted on Sarajevo television (TVSA) on 9th February, 2010



Školske novine (ŠN) (School newspaper), the Croatian weekly magazine for education, which was issued in Zagreb for 60 years, and following the events, participants and processes at all levels of the educational system, primarily in Croatia, but also abroad. Also, they publish articles on current matters and achievements in learning and teaching.


InfoReview is the bilingual magazine (English +) for business communications, generally supported by EEIG – European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry from Brussels, and SEFICT – Southeast Europe Forum ICT. After 15-year-long experience of presenting the most successful ICT companies, we have redirected our former orientation from information technologies towards common business communications.


Non-governmental organizations: – Croatian Information and Documentation Society, publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter “Drobilica

. – e-Development is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit Association, founded for an indefinite time with the aim of accomplishing targeted goals and objectives in the field of information society development.

. Program “JAKO” is part of a comprehensive program of regional development and strengthen the capacity of civil society implemented by National Endowment for the Development of Civil Society.

. – Association of Disabled “Saint Bartholomew” is a nonprofit, humanitarian-social organization in which are enrolled people with muscular dystrophy and related muscular and neuromuscular illnesses, people with Cerebral Paralysis and other physical disabilities, other disabled persons who are entitled to help and care of others .

. – Croatian Association IGRA is a non-profit organization registered 1999th in Zagreb, focusing on the area of prevention of behavioral disorders and conducts through a variety of educational and senzibilizacijske activities for children, youth, parents and teachers. Activities are carried out by experts and students of humanistic orientation (social workers, social educators, rehabilitators, psychologists, etc). One of the basic setting of this Association is the importance of work to change the entire environment and not just the individual. For this reason, the Association has developed partnerships and collaborative relationships with the Centre for Social Welfare of Zagreb, the Center for Youth Zapresic, schools, homes.


Internet portals: – – modern media group founded 1959th in Zagreb, and since 2000 has been operating as a part of Austrian media group Styria Media Group AG. Development of a unique multi-channel platforms (print / mobile / video-news / online), it is also a leading innovator in the Croatian media market.


Croatian Internet portal for entrepreneurial education – – HITPOP (abbreviation of: Hrvatski InTernetski Portal za Obrazovanje u Poduzetništvu) was initiated by the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, on the basis of the needs of small businesses. Analysis showed that there is an interest in public e-services in entrepreneurship education, as Croatia does not have a portal offering information about education for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. The project is implemented under the Action Plan to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises for 2007. and 2008. year. HITPOP was publicly announced on 12th National Symposium on the economy and entrepreneurship in Sibenik, May 30th 2008.

. – DUNEA – Regional Development Agency Dubrovnik-Neretva County

. – Institute for the Development of Education (IDE) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation committed to the development, advocacy and implementation of higher education policies in Croatia that will promote and ensure: democratic governance (availability of services and information for stakeholders in higher education and their representation in the decision-making process);  social inclusion (equal access to higher education for individuals from all social groups);  flexibility (ensuring that the higher education system corresponds to the needs of individuals, society and the labour market); quality (promoting innovation and excellence). IDE acts by developing and advocating higher education policies, cooperating with institutions on development projects and providing information and advising services for individuals and institutions in higher education.

. – is the first info guide to events for children and parents, the project of the company Evenio Ltd. from Varazdin. The idea is that parents and adults in general quickly and easily obtain information about the quality of cultural, educational and entertainment activities for children who can enrich their childhood. As there is not such a unique place on the Croatian Internet, the goal of the portal is to become central location for all content and information for children of preschool and primary school age (3-13 years), their parents, and parenting in general through a number of interesting topics.

. – is Croatian portal on ICT technology

. – Croatian Information Centre (HIC) has started working 1991st as non-governmental, non-profit organization with the mission of informing the public and Croatian immigrants to the events in Croatia and Bosnia. Portal is trilingual (Croatian, English, Spanish). The site is updated daily and news published on the site are also sent directly by HIC-newsletters and mailing lists

. – is a portal for young people and those who work with them! Also portal is part of the web site that offers many special tools, directories and databases for active youth and students with more than 2,000 new useful information annually.


Primary schools:


Private company: – EC Education d.o.o. is the ECDL test center in Sarajevo. The company is regulated by European standards in mode, the number of candidates who are educated, conditions and pace of training, and the quality of lecturers and associates in charge of preparing and conducting training and testing. Space for education is arranged so that all candidates should be prepared to rapidly acquire knowledge of the planned course. According to the European standard, the number of candidates who can successfully be trained in the group in the field of computer technology is 14, therefore groups have up to 14 candidates.
We recommend that you try the DEMO test with questions for all 7 basic ECDL exams that you can start by clicking this link.


Proofreading: Maja Vidan

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