Using the Computer and Managing Files – video presentation 1
Other presentations of this module:
2. presentation on Using the Computer and Managing Files > view presentation
create a new folder and file
select neighboring icons (with the Shift key)
work in Windows Explorer
select non-neighboring icons (with the Ctrl key)
type in: ? ! @ / % ( ) €
print screen (PrtSc)
create and move a shortcut
hide files
compress (.zip)
change the background image
set the Screen Saver
3. presentation on Using the Computer and Managing Files > view presentation
explore removable disks
extract, decompress data
format a disk
add within a compressed folder
use the printing wizard
search (with unknown characters)
add or remove programs
safely remove hardware
set the screen resolution
ISBN: 978-953-56758-8-4
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Related pages:
Module 1: handbook – Basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) > Link
Module 1: Basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – quiz > start the quiz
Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files – Windows 7 > Link
Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files – quiz > start the quiz
Module 3: Word Processing – LibreOffice Writer – handbook: Link
Module 3: Word Processing – quiz > start the quiz