Advanced presentation – LibreOffice Impress handbook
1.1 Slide matrix
Inserting new slide matrix
Editing matrix slide design: font, graphic marks list, background color, fill effect, position of reserved places
Apply user matrix on certain slides
1.2 Templates
Creating a new template
Changing a template
2.1 Shaping drawn objects
Apply background fill effect on drawn objects
Apply transparency effect on drawn objects
Apply 3D effect and settings on drawn object
Copy style of drawn object and apply it to another object
Change given figuration on new drawn object
2.2 Shaping images and drawings
Setting image, lighting and contrast
Setting an image in grayscale, black/white and water print
Changing colors of an image and resetting the original colors
2.3 Handling graphic objects
Show, hide ruler, linebar and guidelines. Move guidelines. Turn on and off linebar alignment
Setting graphic object (image, drawing) on slide using horizontal and vertical lines
Distribute a graphic object vertically and horizontally
Crop a graphic object
Change the size of a graphic object: proportionally, disproportionately
Convert image into polygon and edit
Save object as file in graphic form like: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG
Omitting, showing background graphic on slide or slides
3.1 Using graphs
Editing title of graph, legend, data table and axis
Editing columns and rows, borders and graph area
Change chart type for defined line of data
Change gap, overlap between columns on graph
Change the scale of values on axis: minimum, maximum number to show, main interval between numbers on graph
3.2 Using charts
Create chart using installed possibilities or other available tools for drawing charts such as flow chart, cycle, pyramid
Add, edit, delete a shape or a chart
Add, edit, delete connectors in chart
4.1 Film, sound
Insert film and start it automatically on a mouse click
Insert sound and start it automatically on a mouse click
4.2 Animation
Change custom settings of edited effects and animations. Change the order of edited animations
Apply custom settings so that after animation an item on the list of graphic turns into specific color
Animate chart element according to series, category, and elements in line. To animate/not animate chart bars and legend
5.1 Linking, inserting
Insert, edit, delete hyperlink
Insert action button. Change action setting so it starts certain slide, adjusted projection, file, URL
Connect data on slide and show it as an object, icon
Update and start hyperlink
Insert image from a file and connect it with a file
Inserting data on slide and show as object
Edit, delete inserted data
5.2 Export, import
Connect slides, whole presentation, structural view from text editor into the current presentation
Save slides in various file formats: GIF, JPEG, BMP
6.1 Adjusted projection
Create and start a named projection
6.2 Projection settings
Copy, edit and delete adjusted projection
Apply and remove timing between slides
Apply settings to show and not to show projection continually
Apply settings to move slides manually, using timing if that is available
Apply settings so projection is with or without animations
6.3 Managing projection
Add, delete manually written comments during projection
Black or white screen during projection. Pause, start, end projection