Module 8: Web Design – handbook

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  1. Web Concepts

1.1.  Key Terms

1.1.1.      Understand that the Internet supports a range of services such as the World Wide Web (WWW), File Transfer, email, instant messaging (IM)

1.1.2.     Understand the term client/server. Understand the functionality and relationship between the browser and the web server

1.1.3.     Understand the terms domain, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), hyperlink, web hosting, search engine.

1.1.4.     Understand the use of primary protocols: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/lP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

1.2.  Web Publishing

1.2.1.     Identify the main advantages of having a website: access to a global audience, ease of updating, audience interactivity and cost savings.

1.2.3      Recognize search engine optimization techniques e.g. including relevant metadata, including a sitemap and website links, registering with a search engine.

1.2.4      Recognize the factors that impact web page download speed: audio, video, graphical objects, animation content, and file compression

1.3.   Legal Issues

1.3.1.     Understand the term copyright and its implications for text, images, audio, and video available on websites

2.      HTML

2.1.   Basics of HTML

2.1.1.      Understand the role of W3C consortium in making HTML recommendations.

2.2.  Using HTML

2.2.1.  Using browser to view the website source code

2.2.2.  Use  markup tag to develop the layout of a web page: <h1>, <p> <br/>, <a href>, <img/>

3.     Creating a web page

3.1.   Design

3.1.1.  Recognize planning and design techniques

3.2.    Using the Application

3.2.1   Open, close a web authoring application. Open, close web pages.

3.2.2   Create, save a new web page to a location on  a drive

3.2.3   Create, save a new web page based on an available template

3.2.4   Add, edit a descriptive web page

3.2.5   The difference between the source code and design view

3.3.   Enhancing Productivity

3.3.1.  Set basic preferences in the application: default preview browser, default document type, coding, fonts

3.3.2.  Using available Help functions

3.4.  Text Input and Formatting

3.4.1.  Insert, edit, delete text

3.4.2.  Understand and use relative font size

3.4.3.  Apply text formatting: bold, italic, font type and color

3.5.  Forming paragraphs

3.5.1.  Set  paragraph properties

3.5.2.  Insert, remove paragraph break, line break

3.5.3.  Create, modify numbered or graphical (bulleted) list

3.6.  Page Formatting

3.6.1. Set page margins: top, bottom, left, right.

3.6.2. Add, modify, remove a page background color, image

3.6.3. Change a web page hyperlink color: visited, active, unvisited.

3.7.  Hyperlinks

3.7.1. Understand the terms absolute and relative hyperlinks

3.7.2. Insert, add, remove a hyperlink: text, image.

3.7.3. Insert, edit, remove an e-mail hyperlink: text, image.

3.7.4. Define hyperlink target: same window, new window

3.7.5. Set an anchor, insert a link to an anchor

3.8.  Tables

3.8.1. Insert, delete a table

3.8.2. Insert, edit a table caption

3.8.3. Align a table: left, center, right

3.8.4. Modify column width, row height.

3.8.5. Merge, split cells

3.8.6. Modify table border width, cell padding, cell spacing

3.8.7. Add, remove a table background, graphic, image

4.   Using objects

4.1.  Graphical Objects

4.1.1. Add, remove an image on a web page

4.1.2. Set, modify attributes of an image on a web page: size, border, alignment, alternative text

4.2.  Forms

4.2.1. Add a form to a  web page

4.2.2. Add, remove single line, multi-line text fields

4.2.3. Add, remove form fields: drop-down, check box, radio button.

4.2.4. Set, modify form field properties: text field, drop-down, check box, radio button.

4.2.6. Add, remove, submit, reset buttons.

4.2.7. Set, modify form action to send form output by email.

4.2.7 Set, modify form action to send form output by email

5.   Styles

5.1.  CSS Concepts

5.1.1. Understand the term Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), their use and benefits.

5.1.2. Recognize the main approaches to applying styles: inline, internal, external.

5.1.3. Understand the structure of a CSS rule: selector and declaration (property, value).

5.2.  Using CSS

5.2.1. Create, save a new CSS file.

5.2.2. Create, modify CSS rules: color, background, font.

5.2.3. Attach an external CCS to a web page

  1. Prepare upload

6.1.  Check

6.1.1. Identify and fix broken links in a website

6.1.2. Recognize a correct use of content on a web page: including a last updated date, details of software required to open, view files, ensuring compatibility of content with other browsers

6.1.3. Spell check and make necessary changes

6.2.  Publishing

6.2.1. Understand the process of uploading, downloading a website to and from a web server

6.2.2. Upload, download a website to and from a server



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